Writing and Executing Scripts

Now that we have the interface written for our contract, we can start writing scripts to deploy and interact with it on a real blockchain. We’ll do this by adding a examples folder in the counter contract and add our deploy script there. We only provide an overview of how scripting can be done here. Find our more about how to make your scripting dreams come true on the Daemon page.


Before we get going we need to add the examples folder and tell cargo that it contains scripts. We can do this by creating a folder named examples in counter and creating a file in it called deploy.rs

mkdir counter/examples touch counter/examples/deploy.rs

Then we want to add the required dependencies to the dev-dependencies section of our Cargo.toml file. We’ll need dotenv to load our environment variables and pretty_env_logger to log to stdout.

[dev-dependencies] # Deps for deployment dotenv = { version = "0.15.0" } # Enables loading of .env files pretty_env_logger = { version = "0.5.0" } # Enables logging to stdout and prettifies it

Now we’re ready to start writing our script.

Main Function

With the setup done, we can start writing our script. Our initial plan is to deploy the counter contract to the chain. We’ll start by writing a main function that will call our deploy function.

We start by creating the chain object for specifying we want to interact with a local juno instance:

dotenv::dotenv().ok(); // Used to load the `.env` file if any pretty_env_logger::init(); // Used to log contract and chain interactions let network = networks::LOCAL_JUNO; let chain = DaemonBuilder::new(network).build()?;

Then we can interact with our contract using that chain

let counter = CounterContract::new(chain); counter.upload()?; counter.instantiate(&InstantiateMsg { count: 0 }, None, &[])?; counter.increment()?; let count = counter.get_count()?; assert_eq!(count.count, 1);

Asynchronous Daemon

All the functionalities described in this guide/tutorial only allow for synchronous interactions. If for whatever reason you need to interact with an actual chain in an asynchronous way, you can use the DaemonAsync structure. However, this structure won’t allow for much interoperability as it’s not compatible with the cw-orch Contract structure. Blockchain transactions have to be sequential because of the sequence of an account and that’s why we provide limited support to asynchronous transaction broadcasting capabilities.